Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Exporting manufacturing jobs to countries with cheaper labor

Manufacturing jobs being exported to other countries where wages are much cheaper is a great concern for the labor force in the United States. This is another touchy issue among management and the workforce because in the last years many American jobs have been exported overseas leaving many Americans without a job. In many cases workers have spent most of their lives being fateful to a company only to find out that the company is relocating out of the country, therefore leaving them without a job.

According to the AFL-CIO in an online article called Exporting America, more than 3 million manufacturing jobs have disappeared since 1998, and the Economic Policy Institute estimates that 59% of these jobs have been lost due to the explosion in the U.S. manufacturing trade deficit over the period.

Once a worker has been displaced from a job because the company is relocating, it’s harder to trust another company and work as hard because there is the feeling of uncertainty because the new company (employer) can also relocate.

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