Saturday, November 26, 2011


The purpose of this blog site is to inform about different issues regarding management and labor getting along, and the challenges both parties confront in the labor market.

Most of us who have been part of the labor force at one point of our lives know that dealing with management can be at times a bit uncomfortable. This is not unusual as labor force and management have different goals in a company. Managers are hired by a company’s board of directors and their purpose is to maximize stockholder’s profits by any means necessary. Most times, managers get rewarded with bonuses according to the profitability of a company in a time period. On the other hand, the labor force is constituted by the employees who are hired to help managers accomplish their goals.  Managers can sometimes promote their employees by using unfair procedures such as discriminating against less gifted or impaired employees, using sexual favors as an incentive for promotion, etc.

At-will employment is a doctrine in American law that states that an employee can quit at anytime without an explanation, and an employer can fire an employee at anytime without a reasonable explanation. This is providing there is no other clause in the employment contract that voids the at-will employment such as a collective bargaining agreement with a union. A Union can serve as a mediator between management and the labor force.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Working Conditions and Work Environment Matters

There is the other side, where management and labor do get along and work in a harmonious and productive environment. A good example is the case of Google employees in the following video:

After watching this video one can only ask oneself how do they do it and is it financially sustainable in the long run? Personally, I would hate to get used to this kind of work environment and then one day have to look for a job in another company. It would be shocking to say the least.
As they say in the video it is the trust the company puts in the employees that makes them happy to be there and also makes them want to work hard and have ambitious ideas, fast responses, and big achievements.
However many companies today face many challenges such as the volatility in the economy, a global economy in which corporations can go abroad to get cheaper labor in order to stay competitive and profitable. These challenges can make it a bit difficult for the employer to provide for a well-balanced and productive atmosphere at work. The following link provides good information on how a company can keep their workforce engaged and satisfied with their jobs. Job satisfaction
 I believe that it is fair to say that for those of us who have worked for a corporation it has not been  as good experience as the one Google's employees have had. Even when the environment has been peaceful and enjoyable very few companies can afford to provide for their employees all the commodities Google provides for their employees. However, let’s not lose hope maybe in the future there will be more companies like Google.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Google's work site

The following link is a video showing the life at work for Google’s employees. The video shows an amazing way to stimulate the morale and work production at any company however the method used by Google is a method not many companies will be able to afford for their company.  Google was founded by 2 engineers: Larry Page, Sergey Brin on September of 1998. In my opinion they have had a high level of success because they were at the right place, at the right time, with the right tools. Some of the issues that have helped their success have been among others the growing trend of usage of new technology (cell phones, computers, and other electronic gadgets that use the internet), the fast way of life around the world, and the convenience of knowledge(Information research) at the tip of our fingers.

Job Satisfaction

This website talks about the issues today’s corporations face in order to efficiently manage their employees. Some of the important points addressed are:  providing job satisfaction in order to retain their workforce by providing: a positive working environment, reward and recognition, involve and increase employee engagement, develop the skills and potential of the workforce, and to evaluate and measure job satisfaction in a regular basis. If these issues are addressed there is a greater provability that management and the labor force in the company will get along, therefore providing for a good level of success in whatever industry the company is involved.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Leadership and Development-Managing Millennials

One very important factor in maintaining a good relationship between management and the labor force is to maintain managers and leaders in an organization trained and informed in regards to new trends in the labor force. This will enable them to understand the needs of present and future generations as well as to identify the individual strengths of any prospective in the labor market, making their job easier and more efficient. A generation that has caught many peoples’ attention is the case of the new generation “The Millennials” as shown in the following video: 

The Millennials, the next generation, they are coming…are you ready for them? According to this video due to the fact that millions of Baby Boomers will be retiring in the close future it has never been more important to attract, mentor, train, and retain young employees as it is today. The Millennials are not only important because of how they view the world but also because they are huge in numbers and likely will replace the existing workforce in the not distant future. 
"Businesses are struggling to keep pace with a new generation of young people entering the workforce, who have starkly different attitudes and desires than employees over the past few decades." - USA Today

Managing Millennials

This website talks about the importance of understanding younger generations in the job market. The website focuses in the Millennials generation and gives an insight to the considerable strengths they can potentially bring to the workplace and the best way to manage them by attracting, mentoring, training, and ultimately retaining them as permanent and reliable employees.